Sunday, June 29, 2014


What am I?

Medically, I'm not a syndrome
I'm not a disease
I'm not a disorder
I'm not a virus
I'm not an injury
I'm not an accident
I'm not a sickness
I am old but I am stronger than ever
and I usually care for these sick
funnily enough

I can be anarchic
I can be social
I can be a vendetta and
both an ecology and economy
I can be communal
I can be a landscape
I can be sustainablility
I can be monied
or without money

I can be a club and an assassination

Everyone has me but not everyone can use me, officially
I can be tyrannical
I can be an agenda
I can be a promise and promising
I can be an outsider and an insider simultaneously
I can be revolutionary and also a stabiliity

I can be an elite, martyr, refugee, dynamo I can be a sacrifice - all at the same time.

People like to say that others who have me can fall into the above categories.

And we're even told there is culture of overprescription and overdiagnosis. I can be a saviour to some and reviled to others.
I can be saviour to all but after some time, a curse.

I can also be the "not-" category as well? I'm monstrous enough to be both at the same time too. I can be suspicious of it all, including suspicious of myself. There so many of me and I'm all in the one place

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